Company status / Patents & Intellectual property

We will be the best company with a frontier technology and know-how.

  1. Small and Medium Business Administration

  2. Export-oriented small business designation certificate

  3. Kotra Global Brand 2013

  4. clean business establishment recognition

  5. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

  6. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

  7. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

  8. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

  9. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

  10. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

  11. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

  12. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

  13. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

  14. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

  15. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation-1

  16. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation-2

  17. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation-1

  18. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation-2

  19. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

  20. Convention of the Industrial-Academic Cooperation

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