Company info
Company status / Major exporting countries
We will be the best company with a frontier technology and know-how.

- 1.
- Germany - Tractor Structure, Tractor Electric System, Engine Stand, Lubricating System Structure, Ignition Unit Circuit System & Others
- 2.
- Russia - ABS & TCS System, EPS System
- 3.
- Malaysia - Engine Air Conditioner Simulator, Air Break Structure / Tractor Hydraulic Circuit, Tractor Rear Axle, Diffrential System, Tractor Main & Periphery Transmission, Startinf Generator, Tractor Front Axle Structure / ABS Simulator, Air Bag Simulator, Automotive Air Conditioner Simulator, Automotive Sensor Integrated System, Ignition System, 2 & 4 Stroke Structure / ABS System, Automotive Light System, Tractor Structure
- 4.
- Mexico - Engine Simulator / Bus Engine Structure Exhibit Equipment
- 5.
- Bahrain - Automotive Electric & Electronic Integrated Simulator, Automatic Transmission Simulator, Automotive Elctric & Electronic Integrated Distributor
- 6.
- Venezuela - FF / FR Steering System
- 7.
- Vietnam - Jetronic System, Motronic System, Automotive Sensor Integrated, Automotive Electric & Electronic Integrated Distributor / Engine Structure, Engine Simulator / Combine Structure, Rice Transplanter, Binder Structure / ABS Simulator / ABS & TCS Simulator
- 8.
- Saudi Arabia - 4 Stroke Engine Structure, Manual Transmission Structure / Engine Simulator
- 9.
- Sri Lanka - Injection Pump Structure, Rear Axle Integrated Equipment
- 10.
- Syria - ABS & TCS Simulator / Cultivator Structure, 2 Stroke Engine Structure / Starting Motor Circuit, Injection Pump / Combine, Rice Transplanter, Cultivator Structure
- 11.
- Algeria - Practice Engine Educational Equipment, Starting Generator, Diesel Fuel Simulator / FF Suspension, Clutch Transmission Structure, Jetronic System, Diesel Injection Pump Tester
- 12.
- United Kingdom - Rear Axle Integrated, FR Transmission Structure, FF Transmission Structure
- 13.
- Jordan - Power Steering Simulator / Motronic System, Automotive Electric & Electronic Integrated Distributor, Sutomatic Transmission Structure / Diesel Engine Equipment / ETACS System, Automotive Electric & Electronic Integrated / ABS System, Automotive Lighting Circuit System
- 14.
- Uzbekistan - Automotive Power Train System, Air Conditioner Simulator, Engine Simulator, Automotive Electric & Electronic Integrated Distributor & Others
- 15.
- Ethiopia - Air Break Structure, Engine Simulator, Automotive Power Train System / 5 Parts Integrated Practice Distributor, Torque Converter Structure / Engine Simulator, ABS System, Automotive Air Contitioning System
- 16.
- Iraq - Tractor Structure, Combine Structure, Cultivator Structure, CRDI Engine Simulator Interface, Automotive Power Train Structure, Mechanical Elements, Brake Simulator & Others
- 17.
- Iran - Turbocharger, Refrigeration Circuit Practic Model, Intercooler Structure, Speedometer Model
- 18.
- Israel - Automatic Transmission Structure, Engine Assembly & Disassembly Equipment
- 19.
- Egypt - Rice Transplanter / Engine Simulator / ABS Simulator / Starting Motor Ignition Circuit Practice Model, Automotive Air Conditioning System Structure / Automotive Power Train Ingtegrated, 4 Wheels Automotive Power Train
- 20.
- Italy - Gasoline Engine Structure, Engine Assembly & Disassembly Equipment & Others
- 21.
- Indonesia - Power Steering Simulator, Automatic Transmission Structure / Automotive Power Train
- 22.
- Japan - Gasoline & Diesel Engine Structure, Engine Simulator, Transmission Structure / Tractor Structure, Motronic Automotive Power Train System
- 23.
- China - Automotive Power Train System, Automatic Transmission Hydraulic Simulator, IMS Simulator, Engine Simulator, Binder Structure, Tractor Hydraulic System, Power Steering, Brake, ABS & Others
- 24.
- Czech Republic - Automatic Transmission Exhibit Equipment, Engine Structure Exhibit Equipment, ABS Simulator, Cerato Electric & Electronic Simulator & Others
- 25.
- Kazakhstan - Fuel System, Automotive Multi-function Circuit System, 4 Stroke Diesel Engine Structure
- 26.
- Colombia - Jetronic System, Diesel Injection Pump Tester, Self-Diagnostic System
- 27.
- Pakistan - Automotive Structure Practical Education Equipment, Automotive Structure Equipment
- 28.
- Portugal - Turbocharger
- 29.
- France - Air Conditioner Compressor Structure
- 30.
- Philippines - Engine Simulator